Another weekend coming up! Helg igen! =)
Så ännu en helg, min tredje här -tiden går så grymt fort!! Varit här i över två veckor redan..... Måste säga att jag börjar känna mig mer hemmastadd nu, kan namnen på mer än hälften här i Georgia House (utav 50 pers) och det samma i klassen :) har lärt mig orientera en del mellan Sydneys gator och (nästan) börjat säga dollar istället för euro =P Haft mina första brända axlar, partykvällar samt första hemlängtan efter familj och vänner, haft några "ups and downs" ... Känns som att jag börjat acceptera nu att det är inte en kort semester som jag snart kommer tillbaks ifrån -utan mitt nya hem. Rummet behöver dock en del upgraderingar, funderar på att köpa nya sänglakan och bilder ska absolut upp på väggarna! En dag ska jag ta en bild på Hannas rum -snacka om personligt mysrum!
Idag var det skola igen, är dödstrött vid slutet av dan (även om vi haft onsdag & torsdag ledigt -lat:) blev prommenad med Marcedes i Darling Harbour och sedan sen middag på Thai restaurangen här bredvid (har jag nämt att jag älskar den här gatan?!) verkligen urgott -så länge sen jag åt riktigt god Thaimat!
Imorgon ska jag iväg till stan tidigt, ska ta mitt RSA-certifikat, "Responsible Service of Alcohol", en kurs som man måste ha gjort (och betala för hmm..) om man vill jobba innom något ställe som serverar alkohol, restauranger, barer, t o m biografer! Sedan på onsdag har jag inbokat "RCG" nånting om spel etc.. Båda kurserna tillsammans kostar 110$, så ungefär 7-800kr.... lite surt men känns ändå som en bra investering.
Ska ju test jobba sen imorn kväll på en restaurang som ligger mittemot -Elio, om jag inte ställer till det alltför mycket så har jag jobbet, hoppas hoppas!!
Här är lite bilder som jag hittade på Mercedes dator:
Pizza night (crocodile, kangaroo & duck pizza)
G, Alex and Mercedes <3
No comment needed...
Me jumping around in the coolest fontain ;)
Sydney Opera House by night
...that was some pics I stole from mercedes PC :)
So another weekend -my third here, time is passing by like crazy! Been here for over two weeks now... Have to say that I am starting to feel more settled, know the name of like half of the people in Georgia House aand in class :) Learned a bit to orientate through the streets of Sydney, (almost) learned to say dollar and NOT "euro" all the time =P Had my first Burned shoulders of the year, party evenings and also my first home sickness, missing friends and family, had my ups and downs... But really have the feeling now that I am slowly accepting that this is not just a long vacation that I will shortly coem back from -this is my new home now. My room really needs a few upgrades though, plannign to get some new bed sheets and pictures has to be hanged on the walls! One day I will make a photo of Hanna's room and show you -there you can talk about a real home -so cosy!!
Today was school again, so dead tired in the end of the day (even if we had Wed and Thur free -lazy :) After that I took a walk with Mercedes in Darling harbour followed by dinner at thai-namic here next to our residence (did I mention that I LOVE this street?!) soo delicious, long time ago i had really good Thai food!
Tomorrow I will get into the city in the morning again, going to do my RSA-certificat, "Responsible Service of Alcohol", a course you have to have done if you want to leagally work in and place where they sell alcohol (Restaurants, bars, even cinemas!). On wednesday I am doing my RCG, something about gambeling... together it will cost me about 110$, so like 80 euros, can feel it in my wallet but still think it is a good investment.
As I mentioned I have a try-out at a restaurant just opposite here -Elio, if i dont screw up to much the job belongs to me, fingers crossed!!
Goodnight!!! :-* :-* :-*
Idag var det skola igen, är dödstrött vid slutet av dan (även om vi haft onsdag & torsdag ledigt -lat:) blev prommenad med Marcedes i Darling Harbour och sedan sen middag på Thai restaurangen här bredvid (har jag nämt att jag älskar den här gatan?!) verkligen urgott -så länge sen jag åt riktigt god Thaimat!
Imorgon ska jag iväg till stan tidigt, ska ta mitt RSA-certifikat, "Responsible Service of Alcohol", en kurs som man måste ha gjort (och betala för hmm..) om man vill jobba innom något ställe som serverar alkohol, restauranger, barer, t o m biografer! Sedan på onsdag har jag inbokat "RCG" nånting om spel etc.. Båda kurserna tillsammans kostar 110$, så ungefär 7-800kr.... lite surt men känns ändå som en bra investering.
Ska ju test jobba sen imorn kväll på en restaurang som ligger mittemot -Elio, om jag inte ställer till det alltför mycket så har jag jobbet, hoppas hoppas!!
Här är lite bilder som jag hittade på Mercedes dator:
Pizza night (crocodile, kangaroo & duck pizza)
G, Alex and Mercedes <3
No comment needed...
Me jumping around in the coolest fontain ;)
Sydney Opera House by night
...that was some pics I stole from mercedes PC :)
So another weekend -my third here, time is passing by like crazy! Been here for over two weeks now... Have to say that I am starting to feel more settled, know the name of like half of the people in Georgia House aand in class :) Learned a bit to orientate through the streets of Sydney, (almost) learned to say dollar and NOT "euro" all the time =P Had my first Burned shoulders of the year, party evenings and also my first home sickness, missing friends and family, had my ups and downs... But really have the feeling now that I am slowly accepting that this is not just a long vacation that I will shortly coem back from -this is my new home now. My room really needs a few upgrades though, plannign to get some new bed sheets and pictures has to be hanged on the walls! One day I will make a photo of Hanna's room and show you -there you can talk about a real home -so cosy!!
Today was school again, so dead tired in the end of the day (even if we had Wed and Thur free -lazy :) After that I took a walk with Mercedes in Darling harbour followed by dinner at thai-namic here next to our residence (did I mention that I LOVE this street?!) soo delicious, long time ago i had really good Thai food!
Tomorrow I will get into the city in the morning again, going to do my RSA-certificat, "Responsible Service of Alcohol", a course you have to have done if you want to leagally work in and place where they sell alcohol (Restaurants, bars, even cinemas!). On wednesday I am doing my RCG, something about gambeling... together it will cost me about 110$, so like 80 euros, can feel it in my wallet but still think it is a good investment.
As I mentioned I have a try-out at a restaurant just opposite here -Elio, if i dont screw up to much the job belongs to me, fingers crossed!!
Goodnight!!! :-* :-* :-*
Postat av: Stefan like the pic with the two SMALL beers;-) of course you have to order directly two:-P